Hi from Ms. Carlo, Calpella’s Positive Behavior (PBIS) teacher! This month our behavior focus is Cubs Take Care of Our Cafeteria. We are having a school-wide conversation about our cafeteria and making it a great place to eat and work (not just for grown-ups, but also the 3rd and 4th graders who help us at lunch time!). The idea is to encourage kids to show Cub Pride by keeping the cafeteria safe, to clean up after themselves, to keep their volume at a level that makes sense, and to help others care for the cafeteria as well. Many of you have already been practicing these habits at home (yay!), so the learning is already happening. If you don’t already, try giving your child a little more responsibility at mealtime--even a kindergartener can help clear the table or sweep up little messes. Thank you for being part of the Home/School Partnership and supporting Positive Behavior at Calpella!